Land Guided for Affordable Housing

The Council provides the projected affordable housing needs for each community through the Allocation of Affordable Housing Need (Need.) Communities guided future land uses in their comprehensive plan updates to plan for the Need. The Metropolitan Land Planning Act specifically states that housing elements contain "land use planning to promote the availability of land for the development of low and moderate income housing." (Minn. Stat. 473.859, subd. 2(c) ) More about how communities guide land for projected housing needs can be found starting on page 111 in the Housing Policy Plan.

This table shows land guided at high enough densities to potentially support affordable housing from approved comprehensive plan updates and approved comprehensive plan amendments. Failing to maintain consistency with Council Housing Policy by not providing enough land to support Need may impact a community’s ability to apply for Livable Communities Act programs.

2021-2030 share of regional need for Affordable Housing at 50% AMI and Below:
2021-2030 share of regional need for Affordable Housing between 51 to 80% AMI:
2021-2030 share of regional need for Affordable Housing: Total Needed for
2021-2030 total regional need for Affordable Housing: 37,900
Sufficient/(insufficient) units possible against share of regional need:
Affordable units built since 2021:
Sufficient/(insufficient) units possible adjusted for affordable units built: